Located in a key geographical area in northeastern Africa, Djibouti has the opportunity to shift from being a country with a limited economy to being a global trade and commerce hub. However, many job seekers do not have the required skills to enter the workforce or succeed in the business market and emerging sectors.
USAID’s Djiboutian Workforce Development Project (WFD), in collaboration with Cardno Emerging Markets, Souktel, and TakingITGlobal, aims to prepare individuals for employment by identifying the needs of the country’s businesses and industries. WFD will then address those skill areas that are in the highest demand, such as entrepreneurship and work readiness skills.
WFD conducts the following activities:
- Assessing local employer needs and creating a skills-building curriculum that addresses those needs
- Establishing and growing networks to support the workforce development system and the Chamber of Commerce
- Building the capacity of technical and vocational education and training (TVET) schools to deliver skills training and work experience opportunity programs
- Supporting Djibouti’s National Agency for Employment, Training, and Professional Integration by improving its capacity to help job seekers
- Increasing the awareness of gender equality laws and establishing partnerships focused on women’s employment
- Monitoring and evaluating the work of the program
Government of Djibouti, local TVET institutions, National Agency for Employment, Training, and Professional Integration, Djiboutian Chamber of Commerce, Cardno Emerging Markets, Souktel, and TakingITGlobal